(Midnight-7AM) The Best of Coast to Coast George Noory, host of the nationally syndicated program Coast to Coast AM, He says if he wasn’t a national radio talk show host, he’d be in politics. Art Bell continues to be associated with Coast to Coast AM, the nationally syndicated overnight radio program he created. Known for his spontaneous and compelling conversations about all things unexplained

(7AM-7:45AM) Men Who Win Men Who Win is a ministry of Iron Sharpens Iron Inc. We are a band of brothers who refused to wear masks and to play games. We are friends, learning together, what living by the power of Christ is all about.our foes are, what makes them think, and how to defeat them.

(7:45AM-8AM) Newsmakers is a locally produced show that features interviews from any of our local radio stations regarding events and issues that serve the public interest.

(8AM-8:30AM) Core Principles hosted by Clay Howerton of Paducah. Interview-style discussion of relevant topics, focused on the core principles that apply

(8:30AM-9AM) Three Trees –

(9AM-9:30AM) The Lutheran Hour Lutheran Hour Ministries is a global mission organization that shares Christ’s love in more than 60 countries, often bringing His message of hope to places where no other Christian organizations are present. People around the world experience the Gospel through LHM programs, services, or materials nearly 235 million times each week.

(9:30AM-10:00AM) Commonwealth Matters The Commonwealth Matters is a weekly 30-minute program that approaches the issues Kentuckians face from a conservative perspective with elected officials.

(10AM-1PM) Dave Ramsey Dave offers common-sense life and money tips. This is how to turn things around. It’s personal finance and money management made simple. This is a plan anyone can work. Where do you want to be? You can get there from here.

(1PM-3PM) Dennis Prager Prager is one of the most respected and influential thinkers, writers, and speakers in America. He is the founder of Prager University (PragerU) – the most viewed conservative video site in the world. He is also a New York Times bestselling author of nine books based on various topics. An expert on communism.

(3PM-5PM) America First with Sebastian Gorka Dr. Sebastian Gorka tears off America’s politically correct blindfold and clarifies who our foes are, what makes them think, and how to defeat them.

(5PM-8PM) Larry Elder Larry Elder is an American libertarian attorney, author, and radio program host. His show entertains, informs, provokes and hopefully uplifts. It provides thoughtful insight on the day’s most provocative issues.

(8PM-Midnight) The Best of Coast to Coast George Noory, host of the nationally syndicated program Coast to Coast AM, He says if he wasn’t a national radio talk show host, he’d be in politics. Art Bell continues to be associated with Coast to Coast AM, the nationally syndicated overnight radio program he created. Known for his spontaneous and compelling conversations about all things unexplained